Monday, September 28, 2009

Adimission and Economy

Richard Zhang

It's that time of the year again. No, it isn't February 14th, its the time where massive college fairs take place. Recruiters from around the country “sell” their college or university to prospect students and their parents. However, with the our economy slowly rising out of the recession and still rising unemployment rates, many are fearful. A recent article in the NYTimes reports that parents are fearful of the steep increases of college tuition. But recruiters are also fearful, there is just not enough students who will apply. Many students are settling for community colleges and state colleges due to financial reasons. Less students are applying for college yet, more are asking for financial aid and scholarships. Rather than looking at what SAT average score is this college accepting, parents are looking at the price tags and asking themselves whether or not they can afford it.

Sometimes, students who normally would end up in a prestigious school have to settle for a low ranked state university. It is truly a shame that his abilities and skills are not being challenged by the state university. It is a waste of human resource. Of course not everyone deserves to go to an Ivy League school. But some students who has the ability to prosper under a better education system cannot reach their full potential because they just don't have the means to pay for it. Even with generous financial aid and scholarships many students who go to private institutions have to pay up to $35,000 a year compare that with the $7,000 of a state university, many students really don't have a choice

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