Monday, October 12, 2009

Thinking Big

Richard Zhang

Research has always been a big part of college. There are an array of different research. Undergraduate, Graduate, Post-graduate, etc. Billions of dollars are poured in to colleges to churn out bright ambitious young men and women who push the limit even further. According to a NYTimes article, in recent years, however, big information technology corporations has complained that college has not prepared students to think big. Students have been thinking too small due to the lack of capacity of the college equipments. For example, Facebook handles data amounts up to 1 petabyte which is about 1000 terabyte. Due to this shortage of capacity, more money has been poured in to rebuilding the computer science facilities so that the college can manage the industry's needs.

Being a student at a research facility as well as a Computer Science major, I am deeply affected by this trend. This means that a college student must think above and beyond what the major teaches them. It is up to the student to expand his or her learning to a higher level. This also means that the future will be exhausting albeit exciting. A college student must now leave college with a big dream they want to realize and come true. However, these facilities are just tools, it is up to the students to use them to learn at full potential. This is also an hint that research will be even more intense than ever, involving more and more data.

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