Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Teachers Need Teaching

Jamie Signorile

Many Universities today are motivated by many different things. Many need to uphold the research aspect of their institutions. This results in schools recruiting great researchers. Yet, many people have not seen the trouble in recruiting good researchers, not all of them can teach.

According to a New York Times article, the government is noticing the quality of teaching has been below average lately. Many teachers say that they have not received the right training they need to deal with students. This might be due to the fact that when research institutions recruit teachers, they require them to research a certain amount of time and usually teach for a small amount of time. Most professors are not told to concentrate on teaching. The stress on each is for research. According to Richard M. Felder, a professor at North Carolina State University, he states that professors do not need much preparation to teach courses. In fact, he says that most do not receive teaching preparation and teach according to his or her knowledge of the course and required text. He argues that teachers are not just born, yet they must all acquire the skills they need to accurately present information to students.

Education Secretary Arne Duncan says that most of the universities in this country are doing a below par job in preparing their professors for teaching in classrooms. This is alarming and it is effecting the way students are experience their education. Research is wonderful ,yet not every professor can have the skills to deliver vital information to students.

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